How To Increase Your Most Valuable Asset
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -6:07

How To Increase Your Most Valuable Asset

And Why You Are The Best Investment You Could Ever Make 

Hello My Dears,

“Does anyone else find it so difficult to invest in themselves?” 



Omg, me.

This sucks. And I know you’re not alone in your struggling.

In fact, I see it in many of the leaders I work with. 

In the past, I would have echoed a similar sentiment of guilt and fear, but now I know better. I used to be cynical and nervous about investing time and money into myself but not at all anymore. The term ‘invest’ is more often than not used in reference to property, shares, some kind of financial commitment, or the purchase of an asset that is intended to increase in value over time or improve an outcome. 

But investing can also refer to ‘effort’ and ‘time’. We can also invest in people, not just ‘things’. We can invest in relationships (including the ones we have with ourselves) as well as our personal and professional selves. 

However, investing in ourselves is not often something we naturally budget for or make a priority, well not yet. 

I’ve realized that there are at least 3 totally legitimate-seeming thoughts that stopped me in the past from investing in myself. 

I don’t have time or I’m not sure this is the “right” time.

The plague of our time is our busier-than-thou attitude. We’re all over-the-top busy and over-committed, and it’s never going to feel like the “right time” to invest in yourself. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t the best time. 

What I’ve noticed though is that the right kind of investment (coaching, training, etc.) actually makes time, rather than absorbs it, because it clears your mind of the superfluous and skills you up to achieve something quicker. 

I’m not sure it’s worth my while. 

We worry, “Will I get enough out of this? “Will this be a mistake?” Can you relate? What if a healthy return is your choice, what if it is based on your actions, your decisions, not some random act or occurrence? More than anything it requires a level of confidence and commitment, the time and money you spend on yourself is well worth it. If you don’t invest in you - who will? 

I can’t afford it

A tricky and, I believe, very feminine struggle is spending on yourself over others. Anything I spend on myself, I can’t put towards the family. 

I was never told not to invest in myself, but I was shown in a hundred subtle ways the family’s money isn’t quite for me (even if I earn it) and that I should ask permission to spend it and feel just a little guilty if I do. 

It took me years to come to this realization. 

“I am my most valuable asset.”

Not my bank account, not my job title, not my social media accounts.

“I am my most valuable asset.”

And that means my growth, self-awareness, energy, and development comes first.

“I am my most valuable asset and I am worth it”

I used to not invest in myself because I thought I should save money for others. I also thought I did not have enough money to truly invest in my education, coaching, development, etc. I thought that I only had enough money to invest in my children. I thought I was too busy and did not have time. I thought I had to live up to someone else’s expectation of me. I thought it was too expensive.  

I was so wrong.  And I didn’t even realize how that “way of thinking” negatively influenced my loved ones.  Because if I don’t choose to invest in myself, then I can’t be the BEST I can be for the ones I love.  

When you invest in yourself you are doing more than spending time and money. You are putting yourself higher up your priority list. When we take the time to invest in ourselves we share a message. 

It’s OK to care about yourself, the value you place on your potential is important enough that you are going to give it time, space, and energy to grow. 

When I don’t invest in myself, I lose energy, I lose direction, I waste time in the small stuff, I get scared to take risks and I start to dislike myself, my life. 

We owe it to ourselves and to the people we serve to make sure we’re skilled up, energized, and able to challenge our boundaries. 

And we cannot do this alone.

If you’re on the fence about a new venture or opportunity that would enrich your life, don’t pass it up, telling yourself that you’ll do it “someday.” There will never be a time in life where we’re not busy or don’t have other things to spend money on. Instead, ask yourself if it’s something that you’ll enjoy or something that you’d like to try. If the answer is yes, then go for it! Don’t let anything hold you back. You’ll be able to reap both immediate as well as future rewards when you make that investment in yourself, whatever it may be.

If you resonate with what I’m saying and want to be one of those leaders who invests in him/herself to create a strong and secure foundation to build on throughout your life and will impact your ability to prosper, perform, achieve goals, live to the fullest, and be capable of bringing about change, that’s where I can help.

If you are ready to INVEST in yourself, drop me a note here and I’ll happily tell you more about how we can partner together.

Much love, 


"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best time is now". -Chinese Proverb

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