No, you do not need permission
Don’t second guess or doubt the outcome. Trust and believe in yourself.
I wasn’t raised to set the world on fire.
Like so many of us I was told to “Work hard and keep my head down”, “Good things come to those who wait”, “Your time will come” etc.
So I have always been one of those hard-working women who punch above their weight in their careers. I just get on and do things I see need doing – and become vital to those around me as a result.
It took me a while to realize that I was serving the dreams of others and yet somehow I was waiting for a sign, for the stars to align, or maybe just for that someone to tell me to go out and live my life already.
How often do we hesitate and hold ourselves back for feeling the cant’s of life? Seeking the approval of another or others before we commit to a course of action or decision?
Seeking permission from others is often a subconscious mechanism which we play out in our daily decision making. The choices we make are all subtly influenced by other’s viewpoints and perspectives. Out of love, fear, or loyalty, we make decisions that keep us in step, edging ever further away from our own desires of being.
We spend years squashing our dreams inside of us, running the scripts to justify why and ignoring the call when we are reminded of their existence.
What have I got to lose?
I had been working in London in Software Application before moving to New York. We had set up a lovely home in New York and I was the Head of Operation of a mindfulness-based start-up. It was a job I loved and I had a hardworking team I adored – but it wasn’t enough.
Like a lioness rising. A shift happened. The moment where you start readjusting your mindset to focus on doing rather than dreaming or repressing.
With Renewed intensity, newfound passion and purpose applied to make shit happen. Catalyzing us out of our ruts and onto the path of greatness — so we hope —someone has the plan, right? ✨ Click here to access the roadmap.
It takes a lot of courage to be stepping off the path of least resistance. But one day I resigned. No job, no plan, a hubby, and two kids in tow.
You can do anything if you put your mind to it
This is the best and most memorable piece of advice my Mom ever gave me.
When life gets hard, or when it leaves you broken or at the edge of ruin, you have the power within you to take action and to build from where you’re at.
There is always potential, and those dreams which we hold deepest often have a way of surfacing when we are fighting from the trenches.
No matter the obstacle, there will be a way of overcoming it. There is always a way if you can look beyond where you are right now and you’re willing to try.
You will have to commit to yourself, and if needs be seek-out the help and wisdom of those who have walked the path before. You can learn from both their successes and their failures, even if it is just reading from a book or an article online.
Having the faith/resilience/determination — whatever you want to call it — to know that you will keep going and that you will get there, is the only difference between success and failure.
Failure you can build and improve upon, and you can keep doing that until you get to where you want to be. You just have to keep moving forwards.
You don’t need permission from anyone
You can find the time, improve your skills, and take those chances or create the opportunities that will enrich your life. You can paint, or write, or study, or just be yourself and take control of your personal growth.
You can give that dream a life if you really want to.
So stop asking for permission. Stop doubting your capacity or abilities. Don’t second guess or doubt the outcome. Trust and believe in yourself.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. You can.
✨ Upcoming Events
This Thursday 10/13 @ 2PM EST: Virtual Power Hour with Louise
Learn more about what coaching is, the impact it can have, and the process.
In this session, you'll experience what it’s like to be coached, explore how to minimize external noise, and discover how to maximize your present moment.
I am rooting for you, and appreciate you! Have a sweet & soulful week. 💛
~ @louiseheite, Founder, LifeActivated, Coaching High-Achievers
I hope you will rise up with the strength of a lioness and bring wonder wherever you go.
Then together we will be that force this world has never seen.